
彭永刚, 张磊, 朱祯*
中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所植物基因组学国家重点实验室, 国家植物基因研究中心(北京), 北京100101

通信作者:朱祯;E-mail: zzhu@genetics.ac.cn;Tel: 010-64806616

摘 要:

发展转基因技术可以更好地应对我国农业上面临的耕地减少、水资源缺乏等诸多问题, 然而转基因技术却引起了广泛的争议。本文综述了国内外转基因农作物的研发进展, 以及我国转基因产业化等问题, 阐述了应用先进技术对我国农业可持续发展以及确保粮食安全的重要作用。同时, 本文概括了我国在基因组学研究和基因挖掘上取得的重要进展, 以及我国转基因产业化已经具备的发展条件。本文还对未来我国种业尤其是生物技术种业的发展做出展望。

关键词:转基因作物; 转基因技术; 产业化

收稿:2013-04-23   修定:2013-05-20


A Review on Research and Development of Transgenic Crops

PENG Yong-Gang, ZHANG Lei, ZHU Zhen*
State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics, National Plant Gene Research Center (Beijing), Institute of Genetics and Developmen-tal Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

Corresponding author: ZHU Zhen; E-mail: zzhu@genetics.ac.cn; Tel: 010-64806616


Development of transgenic technology helps to deal with China's agricultural challenges such as the reduction of arable land, and water scarcity etc. However, bio-safety involved in transgenic technology has aroused widespread controversy. This paper reviewed the progress in research and development of transgenic crops, and commercialization of transgenic crops both in China and abroad. Meanwhile, the paper briefly sum-marized the research progress that has been made in genome sequencing and functional genomics in China, and discussed future prospects of seed industry, especially biotechnology seed industry in China.

Key words: transgenic crop; transgenic technology; commercialization

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